I Hate Glucerna

Written by: Mel

Characters: Paul and Danny

“It wasn’t my fault Paul! I only meant for you to dump what we had. I didn’t think you’d have your secretary call all your patients who drink the stuff,” Danny complained from over Paul’s lap.

“Your forged letter was very convincing.” Paul sat looking at the printed letterhead with the photo and logo for Glucerna nutritional drinks for diabetics and the clear words warning people to dispose of the product immediately due to chemical contamination.

“Not only are you grounded but it’s going to cost you way more than this spanking to replace yours and all my patients’ drinks.”

The End


  1. I really like these stories. I hope you continue!

  2. I wish she would like a novel of these stories and let me know where to get itI have really enjoyed them thanks

    1. Mel is male and there will probably never be a novel.
